Okay so I finally got around to making this post LOL I'm so sorry I took so long guys! This is my first proper update about my Beast merchandise in a while! But I am trying to improve my blog, really really! ^^
For those who have read my 2011 Season's Greeting pack post, you would know that I was happy with all of the things except for the diary, oh but I really wasn't expecting much from the tape, I mean what are you gonna do with Beast tape, I thought, but boy did I find uses ahah!
Just like last year's post, this one will be full of pictures so click on the thumbnails for the full size ^^
The picture on the left is what it looks like when you open it, well, the calendar is in a packet as well but I already opened mine when I bought it and threw it away LOL. The right is everything the pack includes. Calendar, notebook, postcards + stickers, diary, tape.
This tape is so great tbh LOL you can stick it anywhere for no reason. Yellow tape all over my room atm xD I was so wrong to think it was useless xD
They should seriously well this separately, I would buy heaps of them and just tape everything I walk passed xD
You guys don't know how great this tape is rOfl I would buy another pack just for the tape. To think I thought this would be useless.
Here are the postcards, they are the same size as last year's one. For me, Yoseob was on the top, I died when I saw it under the diary oh gosh LOL
All these postcards are just so perfect, Beast are always perfect, why are they so perfect, I don't get it, how can they be so perfect? LOL! Especially Doojoon, oh my gosh like if you stare at his postcard, he seems to be getting more perfect, if possible.All of them look great, no complaints at all, I especially love the group post card that had Yoseob throwing up the lollies, so cute!
Hopefully I posted those in the order they came in the pack LOL! I can't really remember, but that's the order I took them in? The second last picture is the back of the postcards, but the group one was the logo sideways. The last one is the sticker sheet, so much perfection in those stickers, can't bare to use them ;A;
This is a cute little notebook, it's just got lines (parted 6mm) normally and the Beast logo up the top of each page. There's 40 pages in total and the notebook is the same size as the postcards.
It's really small and thin so you can pretty much just pop it in your bag and take it wherever you go, good for anything really! I think this is quite handy and I will use it, one less book to buy ahah xD
I think anyone can make good use of this.
So it's time for the diary, we all know how disappointed I was with last year's one. Let's see how this year's held up ^^
When you first open the diary, there's just a blank yellow page and then the same So, Beast theme that's happened through out the whole pack.
This is the next page, a nice little group picture, lovely outfits and lovely boys ;D
All looking pretty perfect and KiSeob duo looking taller than they usually do xD
This is the normal planner page that every diary has, I never use this page LOL, does anyone use this page? What do you even use it for?
It's just for 2012, the 2011 diary had both 2011 and 2012. But I like one year better, it looks more spacious, no need to cram things on a page that no one uses right? xDD
The everlasting smile is back
And Yoseob starts off the diary again this year yeah~!!! Woo go January!! LOL!
He's just looking all perfect with the baseball glove and ball. The quote thing is consistent in the diary and calendar as well btw.
This is just a simple calendar for you the jot in quick plans and dates to get an over view of your schedule and stuff, nothing special.
Unlike last year's that had these pages January to June after Yoseob's page, this one had all 12 months at once. Which I personally think is more practical. But I guess last year's just wanted to fill it with pictures.
We'll have a great time together
Doojoon, Hyunseung and Yoseob come after the calendar pages, and they all look darling cute! There's even a Winnie the Poo thing there.
I don't know if that's edible though Hyunseung! xD
These are the daily planner pages and just like last year squish one week into a page so it's all really crammed again. Sigh, I'm still upset about this. It goes January until first week of April.
I mean, I know many people don't, but I use these pages to plan my homework and study schedule and everything so I need lots of space.
So I guess I might not be using it, will wait for USYD one. But I might find another use for these pages maybe? :S
Dream sweet dreams for you
And here we have a perfect sleeping Kikwang, wow his face is so perfectly sculpted. And sleeping in all that white he looks so pure and innocent and argh just let me keep him in my pocket.
Following Kikwang is the daily planner pages for the remaining three weeks of April until the end of June.
The world is at your command
The next page that separates the two halves of the year is the perfections named Junhyung and Dongwoon. They looks so manly and professional, gosh they just always look good LOL
After these pages is July until the first Saturday of October of the daily planner pages.
Our party will be eternal
First off, I am so glad DooSeob got paired up for this year's one instead of JunSeob! Hardcore DooSeob shipper! They are so cute in this picture, they are always cute. I don't know what Doojoon is doing LOL Yoseob trying to shoot him with the champagne (?) though <3
After these two is the rest of the year, they crammed 29th-31st December in one gap at the bottom of Saturday LOL
Can't stop thinking about you
Here's lovely Dongwoon to end the year and start off the rest of the diary. His page is pretty much in the middle of the diary so you just know there are gonna be a bunch of more random pages now like last year's, sigh.
Could've made more room instead of cramming the daily pages right? ><
Pretty handy I guess, all diaries have this so I guess I can't really complain about it?
There's 14 pages of this ^^
Wherever you're I'll be right beside you
Dammit all other phrases were in perfect english grammar until this page. If only the you're became a you are, I mean I know they mean the same thing but it sounds weird as you're LOL
Doojoon is so perfect in this picture though LOL I really love it!
After Doojoon is another 12 pages of the notebook pages above.
All together Now!
Okay Hyunseung is just so cute here! Like so so cute!
They're all looking pretty damn perfect though, and LOL pink iPhone case on the table, wonder who's it is xD
Then there's these blank pages afterwards, 12 pages.
I guess normal diaries have unlined pages too so fair enough? =\
But I never see the point really, guess if you wanna draw in class or something LOL
A little peace of mind
Hyunseung looking really perfect again, I mean it's just a normal slice of bread but man he makes it look like fine cuisine! xDD
After this page is another 12 of the unlined pages again, I think that's more than needed really =\
A warm smile will greet you when you wake up
My gosh imagine being greeted by the smile Kikwang has in the picture when you wake up, heaven!
Then after that there's another 10 of these lined boxes thing, I seriously have no idea what they are for. I guess if you wanna organise your random notes and stuff? Or make random check lists and to-do lists since CHECK IT is written at the top.
But personally I think this is just a waste and can't to anything post-it notes can't do, or ruling your own lines on those darn unnecessary amount of notebook pages earlier.
Hope you'll be happy everyday
The two maknae ganging up on Junhyung in a pillow fight oh my gosh!
Yes this picture will make me happy everyday alright xD
Then there's another 16 pages of those lined boxes page, oh my gosh seriously so many useless pages in my opinion =\
Don't you think the joker laughs are you?
LOL not in that picture I don't xD He's looking mighty fine thought dayum boy!
Then there's another 8 pages of the lined boxes, seriously how many of these pages do you need? I would use these pages the least out of this whole diary ==
This is the last picture page in the diary, just a quick collection of their individual shots.
All looking perfect. So damn perfect.
I would've been ready for another group photo though LOL there aren't enough of those in this pack seriously! xDD
Unlike last year's, there are no pages for the name/addresses =\ I don't really see why because I mean, those pages are in all normal diaries x___x Instead they had so many of those checklist pages! ><
Also there isn't a group picture on the Personal Note page either, it's just plain page with you name and details, in pee-coloured paper xD
This is the end of the diary. I hope from the picture that you can tell what the material is.
It's not rough canvas like last year's, I mean it is similar hardness but the material is like, umm, it looks like cloth, but when you touch it, and scratch it, it feels like, those little 3D things you get in packets of chips as a kid. You know? That 3D material where there's like 2-3 images and look different depending on what angle you look at them?
I don't know, I probably sound silly but that's what it reminds me of when I'm scratching the canvas xD
And here's a picture of the spine.
Overall, this diary was less-useless than last year's I guess, I mean at least it didn't have those random circle pages. Even now I still don't know what in the world you're meant to use them for LOL
But the diary is still pretty useless, but compared to Infinite's, it is very handy LOL, I'm trying to find a use for this diary though, it's too pretty to not use.
And now moving onto the calendar! The last item!
First off, I was upset that this year's calendar isn't two-sided like last year's. I really liked the idea they had with last year's, because I could still be on Yoseob's page the whole year but still be going through the 12 months LOL! Personally, I thought it was really awesome to have those pages, but this year's is just like a normal desk calendar ;A;
I don't mind though, because the other side of the calendar is really useful and you can easily plan dates and important events and whatnot on the calendar so that you don't forget. You can see on January 23rd that I have CHINESE NEW YEAR written on it! ^^
So that makes it more useful that most desk calendars I guess! At least the loss of having two pages last year was put to good use? I only have one problem with this calendar though and it's the thin cardboard that the stand is made of. They really should've thought about this when they made the calendar, that it will give way and lose balance easily with its dimensions. Should use a thick canvas like the Infinite one. You can see it in my post that I made earlier here.
The pictures are just the same as the ones in the diary, all in order and stuff as far as I know? I didn't actually check. And those little phrases are still there on the pages too. Really all these pictures are perfect, HELLO KIKWANG xD Yeah seriously, just so perfect these boys <3
And that brings us to the end of the post! Phew this has been taking a long time to type up! This post took 2-3 hours oh gosh! >< But I kept at it because I was already really late on this! Also excuse any typos and grammar mistakes ><
For those that haven't bought the Season's Greeting pack yet, I recommend this because it is really worth the money! If you live in Sydney, Media Asia is currently having 20% off all Season's Greeting packs, as well as official calendars and diaries. There is also one in Melbourne but I'm not sure if it has the same promotions? :S They do free national shipping if you don't live in Sydney but still in Australia ^^ Also remember the grand opening of the Parramatta store tomorrow starting 10am!
If you don't live in Australia, then you can buy from YesAsia, the site is very reliable and many people order from the site!
Thanks for reading this epically long post! And sorry it took me a while to get it up! If you want better pictures of anything, just leave a comment with the page and your email and I'll see what I can do! For everything besides the diary I can scan if if you want, with the diary it depends what page you want me to scan, not a big fan of bending the spine like crazy to get a nice scan.
I still have so many things to post up on this blog aish! I will have all that Beast Encore Concert merchandise to post up! But tomorrow I will probably be posting about the new Media Asia Parramatta store? If you see a short asian girl taking random pictures of everything then give a shout! Hope to see you guys there!
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